Day Leave: Day Leave Request (pdf 82 KB)
Should your child need to be absent from school during the day for a short period due to medical appointments or urgent family matters please fill in details on the attached template and send to the school with your student on the morning of the partial absence or use it as an example of the information the school requires to approve a leave pass.
Explanation of an Absence from school: Absent Note (pdf 87 KB)
When students are absent from school parents/carers are expected to provide a note or a text message to detail the child who was absent including the year, the day of the absence and the reasons for the absence. The template below outlines the detail required.
Where parents are planning an absence from school attendance for 5 days or more one of the forms attached must be completed by the parent/carer. An appointment may need to be made with the Principal (dependent on number of days applied for) to discuss the request..
Best practice is to always:
- Make the request as far in advance as possible to assist planning and to minimise disruption to the student's learning.
- Ensure all supporting documentation is attached if applicable (ie. travel plans/itineraries etc )
Form 1 & 2 - Leave application - for absences eg family holidays, social events.
Form 1: 5 - 10 days leave Leave form 5-10 days (pdf 477 KB)
Form 2: Over 10 days leave Extended Leave form (pdf 374 KB)
Form 3 - Attendance Exemption application - for exceptional domestic cirsumstane eg long periods of sick leave (surgery, recovery) etc. Application for Exemption (pdf 529 KB)
Google Classrooms
Student access to Google Classroom
Google Classroom can also be easily accessed via the DoE Student portal.
Log in to the student portal
In the ‘Learning’ section on the right hand side, click 'GSuite (Google Apps for education)'
Click 'Classroom'
Assessment task notes
HAND IN type Assessment Tasks must be submitted at the Front Office before 8:20am on the due date.
HAND IN tasks must have a completed coversheet attached by stapling before submitting.
The Office will provide a date stamped receipt slip of the submitted task.
Keep this record of your submission.
Select the appropriate cover sheet below:
Typein Coversheet: Typein Coversheet (pdf 570 KB)
Writeon coversheet: Writeon coversheet (docx 34 KB)
For BOSTES HSC Exams 2017 - Examination Illness/Misadventure Appeal form:
Illness Misadventure Form (pdf 129 KB)
For all School based Assessment Tasks and Examinations in Years 7-12
Illness Misadventure Form (pdf 497 KB)