Culturally Nourishing Schooling (CNS) project
As a comprehensive secondary school, we provide quality programs in academic, vocational, cultural and sporting pursuits.
Student progress is reported on in a variety of ways to both students and their parents/caregivers. Students are encouraged and supported by strong welfare programs.
Through simultaneous practice and research, CNS supports schools and communities to co-design curriculum, teaching practices and school environments that improve the educational achievements of Indigenous learners and foster a strong and healthy cultural identity.
CNS is supported by the Paul Ramsey Foundation, the National Indigenous Australians Agency and the NSW Government Department of Education, in addition to monetary and in-kind contributions from our partners.
To find out more, visit the Culturally Nourishing Schooling website.
School Lead: Terry Simpson
Aboriginal Lead: Tracey Kingi AEO
Cultural Mentors: Ronalda Combo, Aunty Marcia Browning, Aunty Charline Emzin-Boyd and Mahayla Phillips