Tweed River High School

Innovative Learning Pathways

Telephone07 5524 3007

Illness Misadventure

Illness and misadventure

The student needs to arrange for the completion of the following:

  • Student Declaration and
  • Section A. 
  • If the application relates to an illness a health professional needs to complete Section C1
  • Where the cause of the misadventure is not medical, eg. house fire for example an Independent Person to the student must complete Section C2
  • The completed forms must be brought to the Deputy Principal for the school to complete its part of the application.

NOTE: Illness Misadventure applications relate only to recent events not long-term conditions or other historical events.

The school will assist with student and course numbers where they are not known.

The application must be lodged with NESA no more than 7 days after the due date for the exam. 


Download the Tweed River High School Accident, Illness, Misadventure & Special Circumstances Request Form (ROSA and HSC Courses).